About Us

Everything you need to know

Our Philosophy

Your success is our success

Business Partner

We take the time to continuously understand your business needs.


We bring our clients together to identify opportunities and provide an economy of scale.

Curator of

We identify opportunities to solve problems and drive revenue through Fintech and other partnerships.


We elevate the digital experience by deeply integrating with your core and other systems.

Our Story

We are an enterprise digital banking CUSO that exclusively serves credit unions. Since our founding in 2007, we have developed a comprehensive, state-of-the-art suite of digital products that represent your largest member touch point, with the ability to expand across your other member engagement channels. We are owned by multiple credit unions and dedicated to the mission of bringing advanced technology solutions to your membership.

Connect is headquartered in Sandy, UT, within the Salt Lake City metropolitan area.

Our Approach

We use a mobile-first development strategy, aggressively including the bulk of our online banking functionality into our native mobile application for feature parity and maximum member convenience. What really differentiates Connect from the competition is our departure from the traditional cookie-cutter approach, and our flexibility to fully customize the application to achieve each client's objectives, in a very affordable manner.

Connect has always put our clients in the driver’s seat when it comes to product evolution and the development roadmap. Our Client Advisory Council plays an important role in prioritizing projects for ongoing general product evolution. Our Innovation Group, which contains our most forward-thinking clients, influences the development of new services to further expand the capabilities of the digital banking platform, and in doing so, is instrumental in guiding the annual product roadmap.

Our People

Our strength relies on the diverse, engaged, fun, and experienced people who create and support our products and serve our credit union clients. At every level, we seek out those rare individuals who combine analytical rigor with broad vision and a human touch. We believe that increasingly complex challenges demand people with both deeper expertise and the ability to engage with passion for technology.

Leadership Team

Brian Warfel

Rami Cassis

Founder & CEO, Parabellum Investments

Rami Cassis is the CEO of ieDigital, Connect FSS and ABAKA which are in the process of integrating under a single brand. This move will offer clients on both sides of the Atlantic some of the most sophisticated, comprehensive, and enhanced digital solutions available for the financial services sector today.

Rami is an international growth investor and entrepreneur, specialising in enterprise software technology, business & IT services firms. He has been chairman and controlling investor of ieDigital since 2012, when the family office he founded, Parabellum Investments, acquired the company. With the support of Parabellum Investments, both Connect FSS and ABAKA were also acquired as a means of expanding IE Digital inorganically.

Grant Parry

Grant Parry

Executive Vice President (EVP) of Strategy

Grant Parry works closely with key stakeholders to define the product and technology roadmap for the company. He founded Connect Financial Software Solutions in 2007 and brings over 25 years of experience in the financial technology market, including his experience as the Vice-President of Technology at Fiserv.

Chris Jones

Becky Marsland

Chief Financial Officer

Becky Marsland is CFO of Connect and ieDigital. With over 25 years’ experience working in fast growing companies in the technology sector, Becky has a wealth of experience leading finance teams and supporting companies in the achievement of their strategic and operational objectives.

Kaylene Anderson

Kaylene Anderson

SVP Finance & Administration

Kaylene Anderson brings 19 years of financial management experience in industries including fintech, finance, manufacturing, franchising, and advertising. Kaylene is responsible for the company’s financial functions, including accounting and controls, audit, financial planning, profitable growth strategy and investor relations. She has a Bachelor of Science in Accounting.

Brandon Burt

Brandon Burt

VP Product Management

Brandon Burt joined Connect May 2015 and was appointed Vice President of Project Management in 2017. Brandon has 10 years of experience in management, and has worked with Credit Union software for 12 years, with 4 years of experience as a business analyst, and 10 years of experience with the Agile SCRUM process.

Randy Hansen

Randy Hansen

VP Software Engineering

Randy Hansen has over 40 years software engineering and management experience in the financial, medical, manufacturing and retail industries. Randy’s responsibilities include enterprise/software architecture, analysis, development, network infrastructure, automation, continuous process improvement, software team and IT management. Randy brings focus to software engineering, agile development and improved testing methods.

Ross Karcher

Ross Karcher

VP Application Development

Ross Karcher is responsible for application development as well as risk management at Connect Financial. He has more than 20 years' experience working in financial technology, with responsibilities in software development, team leadership, client services, and risk management . Prior to joining Connect Financial, Ross worked for FIS managing resources that supported a Credit Union core processing application.

Anthony Bender

Todd Lloyd

VP Information Technology

Todd Lloyd has over 20 years of experience working with IT infrastructure with 14 years of experience in the financial sector. With an eye on new technologies and evolving best practices, he enjoys working collaboratively to discover the best solutions to create stable and secure environments that are easy to maintain and highly functional. Todd also loves sharing his knowledge and experience with others to help elevate their technical and problem-solving skills.

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